Tea's Portfolio
This is my portfolio! Any finished work of mine can be found through this page.
I primarily work on avatars for VrChat. You can find anything relating to them here!
There's nothing here yet! However, I plan to learn the skills needed to begin making worlds for VrChat.
Any other art stuff I make will be put under here!
I mainly work on these projects by putting assets together and retexturing them in Substance Painter. All credit for assets used is with each photo!There will be a lot of projects here, therefore, I have sorted them by the years they were made
Every project of mine uses Poiyomi Shaders. If a project would use another shader, it will be added in that project's credits.
2022 Work
This is the year I began learning avatar creation for VrChat, every project on this page was a brand new learning experience!
Credit:- Base Model
- Base by the.time.guardian
- Wings/Tail Set
- HairAvatar made as a gift for Vin <3
2023 Work
I continued developing my skills in 2023, I also attended Furality for the very first time!
Credit:- Base Model
- (No longer for sale)
- Tail
- Tail Accents
- Nametag made by the Furality Team
2024 Work
There is less here than I would prefer, but I spent this year working hard to graduate college, as well as preparing for my transfer to my new school!
There's nothing here yet, but it is a skill i intend to learn. Any completed modeling projects I have will go here eventually!